MealPro > Medical Meals > Heart Healthy Meals > À La Carte Heart Healthy Menu
This Site is not a substitute for the services of a trained health professional. Although we provide nutritional information for our recipes, the information on this Site is for informational purposes only. Nutrition may vary based on methods of preparation, origin, serving size and freshness of ingredients, among other factors. Nutrition is calculated by rounding on the one ounce macro for that ingredient. No information, services, or materials offered by or through this Site shall be construed as or understood to be medical advice or care. None of the information on this Site shall be used to diagnose or treat any health problem or disease. You must consult with a physician, doctor, or health care provider before taking any product or using any information on this Site. Please discuss any concerns with your physician or registered dietician. (*more on our T&C's)
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