5 Heart Healthy Recipes that are Doctor Recommended

5 Cardiologist Designed Heart Healthy Recipes
These five heart healthy recipes are chef crafted following the guidelines set forth by cardiologists for cardiovascular health. All of these heart healthy recipes are low in sodium and cholesterol. These recipes are made with ingredients that are low in saturated fats to prevent plaque buildup in your arteries.
1. Heart Healthy Alaskan Cod Recipe

Heart Healthy Alaskan Cod Recipe.
Alaskan cod is a lean white fish naturally low in cholesterol and fat. Served with freshly roasted bell pepper and rice this is the perfect recipe for cardiovascular health.
View cardiovascular cod recipe >
2. Heart Healthy Turkey Recipe

Heart Healthy Turmeric Turkey Recipe.
This heart healthy recipe is cardiologist designed to be both low in fat and sodium. This dish features lean ground turkey with turmeric seasoning served with carbs and veggie.
See heart healthy turmeric turkey recipe >
3. Heart Healthy Salmon Recipe with Potato

Heart Healthy Salmon.
Atlantic salmon steak with rosemary seasoning, no salt and herb roasted rosemary potato. Accompanied by spinach for a rich source of iron. Topped with lemon for a citrus zest.
See heart healthy salmon recipe >
4. Heart Healthy Couscous Salmon

Heart Healthy Salmon Recipe with Couscous.
This heart healthy recipe features soft, fluffy couscous served with pan seared and wild salmon loin (not the tail). As a side have some oven baked brussel sprout that assume a nutty flavor when roasted at high temperature.
See couscous salmon recipe >
5. Pesto Chicken Recipe

Pesto Chicken Recipe.
This heart healthy recipe features juicy pan seared chicken topped with freshly ground basil pesto sauce. As a heart healthy side dish the quinoa is accompanies by roasted bell pepper that give this dish a caramelized undertone you won’t want to miss.
See heart healthy pesto chicken recipe >
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