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Sample Fitness Meal Plan For Your Muscles

MealPro , On March 3, 2017


Eating quality food is crucial for your workout…you know, if you expect to make gains and stuff. The science of muscle recovery is somewhat complex but you can boil it down to a few nutritional musts for a fitness meal plan: in order to optimize your results, you need a Fitness Meal Plan that will replace essential amino acids and glycogen lost during your workout.

Starting the muscle building process by increasing protein synthesis and nitrogen retention requires a quick dose of the right protein and carbohydrates. But we shouldn’t always rely on protein shakes to get us there. It’s boring and other than that, your body prefers a wide variety of nutrient-dense foods.

Meal 1: For those looking to satisfy that deep, aching workout hunger, this one is for you. Grill up nine ounces of lean chicken breast with some herbs and spices (rosemary, pepper, thyme, oregano, dill). Steam some vegetables like (broccoli) and add a brown rice recipe to go with it. Mix them together in a pan and add your favorite sauce to top it off.

Meal 2: Add 1/2 cup of oats, add some water or milk and pour 1-2 scoops of your favorite whey protein powder. We suggest adding some dried fruit and mixed nuts for a more complete meal. This one will give you amazing perks: the oats and whey have been a bodybuilding staple forever, but often times are bland and burnt out. By adding some fruit and mixed nuts you will gain a whole new level of taste. Also, the balance of carbs and protein makes it great for those looking to build mass and those watching the leanness scale.

Meal 3: Grab a large chicken breast (9 ounces) that is already cooked and dice it up and throw it in a pan. Add a cup of diced sweet potato and some steamed vegetables. The perks tot his meal are awesome! Sweet potatoes are the perfect bodybuilder carb that slowly digests to keep your energy levels high and insulin spike just enough to feed the muscles but not the fat stores.

Meal 4: Buy some lean ground high protein turkey. Add one cup of mixed veggies (peas, corn, carrot) are all good additions. For more protein add some beans and select some dried fruit and nuts on to have on the side for some extra omega-3 fats, vitamins, and minerals. This workout meal is perfect for those on low calories and carbs, but need the protein to retain muscle and fat to decrease hunger.

Meal 5: This one will make your mouth water: Grill some Tilapia, steam some vegetables and add lentil for some much needed fiber and light carbs. For flavor toss with a freshly squeezed tomato sauce or all natural marinara sauce. The lentil will add some needed carbs which will spike your insulin levels to drive nutrients into your muscles.

The above 5 meals are good samples of what a sample bodybuilding meal plan might look like. If you have no time to cook or grocery shop take a look at some fitness meal prep companies.


MealPro is the nationwide leader in customizable meal delivery that is changing the future of food by allowing users to personalize their meal based on nutrition goal. Hence our tag line "Eat With Purpose".